Welcome to my blog! This is my first post ever. Bare with me! Things will get a little more interesting from this point on. On here you will be able to follow my life without having to stalk me! Its a win win! With this blog my goal is to be able to post some of my work, and hopefully get some feedback on them!
OK! With that said this is now the time for me to spill all of my deep dark secrets... ok maybe not, sorry. Instead, here is a little bit about moi: I am the youngest of 4 girls, I was born in Quebec city but since my father was in the Canadian forces we moved around quite a bit... so if you were to ask me where I was from I would chuckle... you might even get to witness one of my blank stares, I would then take a deep breath and proceed to tell you exactly what I wrote above...without the narrative about my reaction to such a question, of course.
About 4 years ago I purchased my very first DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex camera) ... a little bitty thing that weighed a little more than a good slab of steak. I think I even named her...but sadly I do not remember what it was. Does that make me a bad owner? Anyways she was very good to me, I took her along with me for a summer in Guinea, West Africa; with her in my hands a hobby turned into a passion...and soon with this passion for photography I discovered my calling! ( this is the part where you cheer by the way. My sisters' cat, Pruneau, did.)
So this is where I am at right now, currently studying digital photography here in the beautiful city of Halifax, fine tuning the skills that will enable me to do what I love. Photography.